Outlook and Impermanence

Rodger Friesen
3 min readFeb 11, 2019

Current Weight: 280.5 lbs, up 3 lbs. from last week
Recently finished: C#: Learn C# in a Day and Learn it Well
Currently Reading: Heart of Understand and Memories of Ice

This week was hard, maybe it was not, but it felt hard. Degree of difficulty is relative and often your mood upsets where your head is and minor tasks feel more difficult. I did not feel very mindful, I guess. The weight going up is due to the bump from the wedding weekend, I am actually done 3 lbs. from that peak, probably due to losing water weight from drinking less beer. Miraculously, through hard work and weight lifting, my body fat percentage is way down. From 38% a month or so ago to 35% now and honestly shedding that is most important, even if there is the same amount or more of me, I am no longer the same me.

Mouth breathing on the treadmill

With that thought, I’ve had a pretty singular focus on tracking my weight and subsequently body fat % because of my Fitbit scale, but those aren’t the only thing that matters. I have it in my head right now, maybe because of reading Thich Nhat Hanh, that I need to start looking into everything in totality, to meditate on every day the things that I have done and how they change me and my mood. I think I should monitor everything to excruciating detail and log it here, taking every day to write a summary of the lifts I did, the enjoyment I got, and my meditations. I do that anyway at the end of the week, but to do it each day (only one post next Friday after 5 days of observations) would be interesting I think. My mood, my progress would be reflected in each day and I could see the impermance of my routine, a more macro level of mindfulness.

Quick Lift
Results of smashing the treadmill

On a more joyous note, a friend has been coming over to help workout in the afternoons and staying to enjoy each other’s company, his natural inclinations for healthier eating led to enjoying bananas, strawberries, and blueberries this week while watching out dogs play. Nothing like watching two dogs go crazy on a toy and send the fluff everywhere, or taking a break from a project to just observe them being the most dog a dog can be.

Maya and Syl observe the results of toy destruction

Everything flows into everything else, you cannot observe something without observing everything around it and the effects. That’s my meditation for this week and hopefully it helps me stop to feel the warmth of the sun on my face, because at some point parts of me use to be a plant. :)

